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Eulogy for a Friend and Brother
From left to right Ilustrísimo Señor Vincent William Griffo, Reverendísimo Don Carlo Murr-Létourneau y el Excelentísimo Embajador de...

EXCLUSIVE: Insider reveals stunning new details of Pope Francis’ Vatican maneuvers
In this week's first live episode of Faith & Reason, Father Charles Murr shared a story relating Msgr. Mario Marini’s views on...

“By Their Fruits Ye Shall Know Them”
Interview on Vatican secrets with Father Charles Theodore Murr / Part 2 Part 1 of this interview can be found here. By Kevin J. Symonds,...

From Pius XII to Vatican II: The Hidden History of a Key Church Epoch
Fr. Charles Theodore Murr, in this Interview Concerning His Book on Mother Pascalina Lehnert, Unveils the Mysteries of the People and...

Taylor Marshall “Infiltration” Book Review Part One
To view Part II, click here The British publication Mass of Ages graciously accepted part one of my book review of Taylor Marshall’s...

Announcing Fr. Charles Murr’s new book of memoirs, Murder in the 33rd Degree: The Gagnon Investigation into Vatican & Freemasonry
In Catholic discourse today, one notices two extremes when the question of Freemasonry and its (past or present) penetration into the...

Masonic Conspiracy, Lefebvre, and the Murder of John Paul I
T. S. Flanders Fr. Charles Murr is one of the last living witnesses to Vatican corruption who is both orthodox and courageous. We have...

Letter #64, 2022, Wed, Apr 6: Murr
Pope John Paul I (Pope for 33 days in the fall of 1978, just before John Paul II was elected). A new book by American priest Fr. Charles...

Book Review: The Godmother: Madre Pascalina, a Feminine Tour de Force
T. S. Flanders The Godmother: Madre Pascalina, a Feminine Tour de Force Author: Charles T. Murr Publisher / Original Art: Enrique J....

BOMBSHELL: New historical evidence emerges in support of Bugnini’s association with Freemasonry — Names are named
The latest edition of the magazine of the Latin Mass Society of England & Wales, Mass of Ages, contains a review by Kevin Symonds of...

The story of The Godmother, advisor to Pope Pius XII
Pope Pius XII “did more than anybody in the world ever did for the Jews,” says Fr. Charles Murr, author of a book about his friendship...

"Poor mexico, so far from god and so close to the united states."Milton walsh
Dante and Virgil in hell by William-Adolphe Bouguereau. By Milton Walsh Dante and Virgil in hell by William-Adolphe Bouguereau. J. F...

The Blessings of Betrayal
By Robert Miller The Betrayal of Christ by Caravaggio 1573 – 1610 Dante reserved for the traitors the lowest circle of hell, the frozen...
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